Lilian's story
I was born and raised in Uganda, in a single parent household, the 8th child in a family of 11 children. Since my mother never got a chance to go to school, after losing our father when we were still young, she worked hard to make sure we have a good future; but because we were many, we grew up in an environment of poverty and hardships.
Big Dreams
My dream was to start an orphanage home in future so that I can give some help to people who are going through the same situations I went through and suffering just like the way I was.
one day I had a dream when the voice called me by name in the middle of the night and told me to start up an orphanage, I cried because I didn't have the money and resources to start an orphanage but by Gods grace he worked everything out for me until everything was as I wanted
Words of Hope
I want to encourage all the single mothers that you can make it; if you only set a goal, focused and with a lot of determination.
You can make it if you don't look back to the past, but put all your trust in God. My mother made it, and I believe you can do the same if you believe in yourselves.
Lilian Kather
Founder of smiling world ministries organization